Get 24/7 Expert Help

Landmark Fire and Water responds with urgency and sensitivity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Having worked in the Dallas Fort Worth area for over a decade, we, at Landmark Fire and Water understand how disaster can affect an individual or a family’s life. We are a disaster service company providing our full service, 24×7, in the DFW area and can be reached by telephone, so you can be assured that we are always around when you need us the most. It doesn’t matter how much damage your house has seen, we are capable of handling anything from devastating natural disasters to a minor kitchen fire, and put our full efforts towards restoring your house. The team at Landmark takes pride in delivering a quality mitigation service and guarantees our customers satisfaction. We offer a long list of services which include:


Fire and Smoke Damage Mitigation

Our certified professionals determine the full extent of fire damage, including the impact of smoke, heat, and residues from fire and smoke.


Water Damage Mitigation

Our professionals identify the full extent of water damage, both visible and unseen, by using sensors such as moisture detectors and hygrometers.

Our Customers


Landmark Fire and water gets homeowners back to normal quickly and with care.


Landmark Fire and Water ensures property owner and tenant satisfaction.


Landmark Fire and Water is the choice for insurance agents

Landmark Fire and Water Simplifies Customer Communication

The communication was extremely helpful as Rob had to coordinate with both the property manager and home rental company during the repair process to make sure the property was ready for guests a few short days after the target completion date. Using Landmark Fire and Water exclusive technology, Rob simplified coordinating work activities and shortened the overall cycle of the job, helping the property owners to quickly get their lives back to normal.